Gaius Avillius Maximus

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Gaius Avillius Maximus was a member of the Roman knighthood ( Eques ) living in the 2nd century AD .

A military diploma proves that Maximus was 160 commander of the Cohors I Sebastenorum , which at that time was stationed in the province of Syria Palestine . A Gaius Avilius Gavianus is evidenced by an inscription ; possibly Maximus was Gavianus' older brother.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Military diploma of the year 160 ( AE 2005, 1730 ).
  2. Inscription ( CIL 5, 7478 )
  3. Werner Eck : New military diplomas for the provinces of Syria and Iudaea / Syria Palaestina In: Scripta Classica Israelica , Volume XXIV (2005), pp. 101–118, here p. 106 ( online ).