Werner Eck
Werner Eck (born December 17, 1939 in Nuremberg ) is a German ancient historian and epigraphist .
Live and act
From 1950 to 1959, Eck attended humanistic grammar schools, first in Nuremberg, then in Bamberg and from 1957 again in Nuremberg, where he passed his Abitur in 1959. He then studied history, Latin, Greek, German and archeology at the University of Erlangen until 1965 . In 1965 the state examination for teaching at grammar schools took place in Latin and German and in November 1966 in history. From 1965 to 1968 Eck completed a doctoral degree in ancient history at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg . From 1967 to April 1969 he was a research assistant at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg and from 1969 to 1974 at the University of Cologne .
After receiving his doctorate from Friedrich Vittinghoff in 1968 on the Roman leadership from Vespasian to Hadrian and his habilitation in Cologne in 1974/1975 on the state administration of Italy in the high imperial era, Eck was initially professor at Saarland University from 1975 as successor to Klaus Meister . He declined an appointment in the 1976 summer semester to a full professorship at the University of Essen . From April 1979 until his retirement in February 2007, he was the successor of his teacher Vittinghoff as full professor of ancient history at the University of Cologne. In 1985 he turned down the offer of a full professorship for ancient history at the University of Freiburg. From 1985 to 1989 he was Dean of the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Cologne, later Senator for the Faculty. Eck was also visiting professor at the University of South Africa (1985), the University of La Sapienza (1991), the University of Bologna (1992), the University of Naples Federico II (1998), the École des Hautes Etudes Paris (2003) and was visiting member of Wolfson College in Oxford (1989) and Topoi in Berlin (2011) as well as member of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton (1983/84). In 1995/1996 he was a fellow of the Historical College in Munich , and in 1999/2000 he was a member of the Sackler Institute for Advanced Study at Tel Aviv University . Eck held the Otto von Freising guest professorship at the Catholic University of Eichstätt in the 2011 summer semester . His academic students include Rudolf Haensch , Peter Eich, and Marietta Horster .
Eck is considered to be one of the most distinguished experts - also internationally - for the Roman Empire and for Roman epigraphy. His research focuses on administrative and social history , prosopography and the history of early Christianity . Major research projects in which Eck is currently involved are the history of the city of Cologne in Roman times. He published the first volume of the 13-volume history of the city of Cologne book series in 2004 and, in 2007, took over the scientific publication as Hugo Stehkämper's successor . Eck is responsible for the Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaeae / Palaestinae as co-editor together with a team from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the University of Tel Aviv (long-term project of the German Research Foundation ). In addition, the publication of the complete Fasti consulares , i.e. a list of all consuls of the Roman Empire (from 30 BC to the end of the 3rd century AD) and the systematic description of the administration of the Roman provinces are part of his further research . From 2007 to March 31, 2018, Eck was the project manager of the Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences , where he had previously been in charge of the Prosopographia Imperii Romani since 1992 . He wrote numerous articles for the New Pauly (DNP) on the Roman emperors and senators as well as in the Lexicon Topographicum Urbis Romae . In 1998 he presented a brief account of Emperor Augustus , which has been published several times to this day .
From 1984 to 2008 Eck was a member of the advisory board of the Commission for Ancient History and Epigraphy in Munich. He is a corresponding member of the Austrian Archaeological Institute , the Finnish Academy of Sciences in Helsinki, the Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologia in Rome, the British Academy (2004), the Acadèmia de Bones Lletres de Barcelona , the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei in Rome, the Real Academia de Buenas Letras in Seville, the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres in Paris and a full member of the German Archaeological Institute. Eck has been co-editor of the Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik (ZPE) since 1979, and has been managing director since 2007. Eck is also a member of the Accademia Europea and the Association Internationale d'Epigraphie Grecque et Latine (AIEGL), of which he was president from 1997 to 2002. In 1999 Eck became President of the Archaeological Society in Cologne .
Eck received numerous awards for his scientific work. In 1994 he was awarded the Cologne Prize of the University of Cologne for his book "Agrippina", and in 1995 the Frontinus Medal of the Frontinus Society for his work on the Roman water supply. In 2000 he was awarded the Max Planck Research Prize for the Humanities for his research on the history of the Roman Empire . In 2011 he received the Ausonius Prize . He is honorary doctor of the Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj (2003), the University of Kassel (2007) and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (2008). In 2011 he became an honorary member of the Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies .
A detailed list of publications can be found on Eck's website.
- Senators from Vespasian to Hadrian. Prosopographical investigations including the annual and provincial fasts of the governors (= Vestigia . Volume 13). CH Beck, Munich 1970, ISBN 3-406-03096-3 .
- The state organization of Italy in the high imperial era (= Vestigia. Volume 28). CH Beck, Munich 1979, ISBN 3-406-04798-X .
- The governors of the Germanic provinces from 1. – 3. Century (= epigraphic studies. Volume 14). Rheinland-Verlag, Cologne 1985, ISBN 3-7927-0807-8 .
- Agrippina, the city founder of Cologne. A woman in early imperial politics (= series of publications by the Archaeological Society of Cologne. Volume 22). Greven, Cologne 1993, ISBN 3-7743-0271-5 .
- The administration of the Roman Empire in the High Imperial Era. Selected contributions . 2 volumes, Reinhardt, Basel 1995, ISBN 3-7245-0866-2 ; 1998, ISBN 3-7245-0962-6 .
- (with Antonio Caballos and Fernando Fernández) The Senatus consultum de Cn. Pisone patre (= Vestigia. Volume 48). CH Beck, Munich 1996, ISBN 3-406-41400-1 .
- Augustus and his time (= Beck series. Volume 2084). CH Beck, Munich 1998, 6th revised edition 2015, ISBN 978-3-406-41884-6 (also English, Spanish, Italian and Czech translations).
- (Ed.) Local autonomy and Roman regulatory power in the imperial provinces from the 1st to the 3rd century (= writings of the Historical College. Colloquia 42). Munich 1999, ISBN 978-3-486-56385-6 ( digitized version ).
- The Cambridge Ancient History . Volume XI, Cap. IV-VII, 2000, pp. 195-293.
- Cologne in Roman times. History of a city in the context of the Imperium Romanum (= history of the city of Cologne. Volume 1). Greven, Cologne 2004, ISBN 3-7743-0357-6 .
- Rome and Judaea. Five lectures on Roman rule in Palestine (= Tria Corda. Volume 2). Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2007, ISBN 978-3-16-149460-4 .
- Judea - Syria Palestine. A province's examination of Roman politics and culture (= Texts and studies in ancient Judaism. Volume 157). Mohr, Tübingen 2014, ISBN 978-3-16-153026-5 .
- (with Dietmar Kienast and Matthäus Heil ) Roman imperial table. Basic features of a Roman imperial chronology. 6th, completely revised and updated edition. Scientific Book Society, Darmstadt 2017, ISBN 978-3-534-26724-8 .
- Werner Eck: Rome's water management in the east. State control of public life in the Roman provinces? Lecture on the occasion of the honorary doctorate on January 17, 2007. Kassel University Press, Kassel 2008, ISBN 978-3-89958-409-7 ( PDF online ).
- Who is who? The German Who's Who. 47th edition, 2008/2009, p. 259.
Web links
- Literature by and about Werner Eck in the catalog of the German National Library
- Page from Eck at the University of Cologne
- List of publications by Eck
- ^ Chronological directory of the fellows .
- ^ Otto von Freising guest professorship
- ^ Volumes of the scientific city history of Cologne
personal data | |
SURNAME | Eck, Werner |
BRIEF DESCRIPTION | German ancient historian |
DATE OF BIRTH | December 17, 1939 |
PLACE OF BIRTH | Nuremberg |