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The Global Association for Software Quality (short gasq ) is an independent, international and non-profit association with the goal of software quality to promote research, teaching and industry. gasq maintains an international network and supports certification programs, such as for software testers and usability experts, and is at the same time a service provider for associations and groups that campaign for software quality.

The founding members of gasq come from Europe, America and Asia. gasq was founded in Belgium without any subsidies and is registered there in the legal form of a non-profit association . Gasq also has offices in Bulgaria, France, Germany and Spain.

Special Interest Groups

gasq is a platform for various national and international Special Interest Groups (SIGs). The aim of these SIGs is to bring together experts and interested people in order to establish a network in the field of software quality.

gasq has three special interest groups: SIG Software Testing, SIG SPICE for Banking and SIG Usability Engineering. A SIG for medical technology was planned.

See also

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