Gay Rights Working Party

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Gay Rights Working Party is the name of a British party that served on London City Council from 1976 to 1986.

The GRWP (full name: Greater London Council's Gay Rights Working Party) is a political party founded in the United Kingdom in 1976 . She was represented on the London City Council. The party had set itself the task of protecting the rights of gays and lesbians and making the public aware of their problems. The founding of the party was a very daring undertaking at the time and was received with great skepticism by the public. One of the party's slogans was “We want to change the world”. In 1986 the party was dissolved because the members considered their tasks to be solved.

The party monitored the problems of gays and lesbians in London. Party members paid particular attention to discrimination against homosexuals in the workplace and by the police. In 1981 the party formed a group of activists (Gay London Police Monitoring Group) to prevent the violation of the rights of gays and lesbians. The report “Changing the world: a London charter for gay and lesbian rights” can be seen as the culmination of this party's activity.

The party was mentioned by the founder of the Dutch party Partij voor Naastenliefde, Vrijheid en Diversiteit . He said that his party in the Netherlands will achieve as much as the Gay Rights Working Party in London.

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