Tied all-day school

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A school in which all pupils are obliged to take part in the all-day offers of the school for at least three days of the week for at least seven hours each is referred to as a bound all-day school in “fully bound form”. The term all-day school includes the two tasks of "all-day care and all-day schooling". The term “all-day school” only refers to primary schools and lower secondary schools .

According to the Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs on October 17, 2003, three characteristics are constitutive for the term all-day school:

  • Minimum time duration: On at least three days a week, beyond the morning, an offer should be made available that comprises at least seven hours a day.
  • Structure by a lunch break: The all-day operation should be structured by a lunch break in which lunch is to be offered.
  • Existence of a concept: The additional offers must be conceptually related to the morning lessons, which the school management has to organize and be responsible for.


  • Secretariat of the permanent conference of the education ministers of the federal states in the Federal Republic of Germany: Report on general education schools in all-day form in the federal states of the Federal Republic of Germany - school year 2002/03. Decision of the Conference of Ministers of Education of January 2, 2004.
  • Stefan Appel: All-day school manual. Practice. Concepts. Handouts. Schwalbach 2009.
  • Holtappels, Höhmann [Hrsg.]: Shaping all-day schools. Conception. Practice. Impulses. Seelze-Velber 2006.
  • Volker Ladenthin , Jürgen Rekus [Ed.]: The all-day school. Everyday life, reform, history, theory. Weinheim 2005.