
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Gelaohui ( Chinese  哥 老 會 , Pinyin Gelaohui , W.-G. Ge-lao Hui  - "Society of Elder Brothers") was a secret society that had existed in China since the beginning of the Qing Dynasty . The Gelaohui repeatedly organized uprisings against the Manchu rule of the Qing and participated in the republican revolution of 1911 .

As part of the CCP's united front policy against the Japanese invasion of China, the Central Soviet Government appealed to the Gelaohui in 1936.

Well-known members of the Gelaohui


  1. ^ Mao Zedong: Mao's Road to Power. Revolutionary Writings 1912-1949. Edited by Stuart R. Schram . Volume 5: Toward the Second United Front. January 1935 - July 1937. ME Sharpe cop., Armonk NY et al. 1999, ISBN 0-7656-0349-7 , p. 245, preview of the book .