Common spectrum

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The common spectrum of finitely many elements of a commutative - Banach algebra generalizes the concept of the spectrum of an element used in mathematics for the investigation of Banach algebras .

Motivation and Definition

Let be a -Banach algebra with one element 1. The spectrum of an element is the set of all complex numbers for which the element cannot be inverted . If one denotes the set of all - homomorphisms , then in the case of a commutative Banach algebra one has the relation


This relationship can also be extended to several elements of a Banach algebra. For a commutative -Banach algebra with unity and elements one sets


is called the common spectrum of the elements . If the Banach algebra has no one element, one adjoint one element and define the common spectrum there.



The relationship between spectrum and invertibility is generalized to the situation of several elements as follows:

Is a commutative -Banachalgebra with 1 , so the following are equivalent:

  • There is with


The common spectrum of finitely many elements of a commutative -Banach algebra is a compact subset of . According to the definition of the weak - * - topology , which is considered in the Gelfand space , the mapping is continuous. Since the Gelfand space of a Banach algebra is compact with 1, this results in the compactness of the common spectrum, because continuous images of compact sets are again compact.

Polynomial convexity

A Banach algebra is by definition produced by elements when the smallest sub- Banach algebra is of that contains.

For a subset one can show that if and only if is compact and connected it holds for a commutative -Banach algebra with one element, which is generated by an element .

A corresponding topological characterization of sets im , which appear as a common spectrum of generating elements of a commutative -Banach algebra with one element, does not succeed. Since a compact set is polynomial convex if and only if is connected, the following theorem represents a generalization of the above facts:

For a set , the following statements are equivalent:

  • There is a one- element commutative -Banach algebra that is generated by elements such that .
  • is compact and polynomial convex .

If one has a finite number of elements that do not produce the entire Banach algebra, their common spectrum is generally not polynomial convex.


  • FF Bonsall, J. Duncan: Complete Normed Algebras . Springer-Verlag 1973, ISBN 3540063862
  • Lars Hörmander : An Introduction to Complex Analysis in Several Variables , North-Holland Mathematical Library 1973