Common public procurement vocabulary

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The Common Procurement Vocabulary ( English Common Procurement Vocabulary - CPV ) is the uniform classification system in Europe for public procurement. The use of the CPV code is prescribed by the European Union for use in public procurement from the EU threshold values. Many e-procurement and advertising platforms in Germany are also based on the CPV code below the EU threshold values.

The common vocabulary is a list of services and delivery items, each of which is assigned a unique key (CPV number or CPV code).

The CPV numbers and names were set out in Regulation (EC) No. 2195/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 November 2002 on the common procurement vocabulary (CPV) . This regulation was amended by Regulation (EC) No. 213/2008 of March 15, 2008.

The EU Commission has introduced new requirements for the assignment of the CPV codes in EU notices. Order notices in which the rule (RULE = "388") is not complied with will not be accepted for publication on TED in future. The changes have been in effect for preliminary information since January 15, 2020. From April 15, 2020, the rule for contract notices will apply. and all other notices will be affected from July 15, 2020.

Classification system

The classification system comprises a main part and an additional part :


The main part is based on a tree structure with codes consisting of a maximum of nine digits, each of which is assigned a designation that describes the deliveries, construction work or services that are the subject of the contract.

The numeric code consists of eight digits and is divided into:

  • Departments identified by the first two digits of the code;
  • Groups identified by the first three digits of the code;
  • Classes identified by the first four digits of the code;
  • Categories identified by the first five digits of the code.

Each of the last three digits of a code corresponds to a further specification within the individual categories. A ninth digit is used to check the preceding digits (so-called " check digit ").

Additional part

The additional part can be used to complete the description of the subject of the contract. It consists of an alphanumeric code, which corresponds to a designation with which the properties or the intended use of the goods to be acquired can be further specified.

The alphanumeric code includes:

  • A first level consisting of a letter corresponding to a section;
  • a second level consisting of four digits, the first three of which are a subdivision and the last is a control digit.


CPV no. designation
01000000-7 Agricultural, horticultural, hunting and related products
01100000-8 Field crops and products of commercial horticulture
01110000-1 Cereals and other crops
01111000-8 Grain
01111100-9 wheat
01111110-2 Durum wheat
01111120-5 Common wheat
01111200-0 Corn
01111300-1 rice

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Regulation (EC) No. 2195/2002 , accessed on March 9, 2018
  2. Regulation (EC) No. 213/2008 (PDF; 1.2 MB), accessed on July 12, 2015
  3. CPV codes: New requirements have to be observed since January 15, 2020. In: Bommert law firm. February 10, 2020, accessed on February 11, 2020 (German).
  4. CPV 2008 Explanations of the EU Commission (PDF; 418 kB) 2008, accessed on July 11, 2015.