Genus tapeinoticum

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Genus tapeinoticum is a concept that was considered by ancient Lutheran dogmatists as a consequence of their doctrine of the genus maiestaticum of Jesus Christ : According to the ancient Lutheran understanding, Jesus Christ - true man and true God - as a human being, had a gift-wise share in divine properties such as omniscience, omnipotence, omnipresence , it would have been logical that he, as a true God, also had a share in the human capacity for suffering. But the thought of the immutability of God did not allow this consequence.

The problem did not arise for the old reformed dogmatics because it did not teach the genus maiestaticum of Jesus Christ.


  • Wilfried Joest: Dogmatics. Volume 1: The Reality of God. UTB 1336, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 3rd edition Göttingen 1989, ISBN 3-525-03259-5 . P. 213.