Certified training trainer

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Certified advanced training trainer (HWK) is a vocational training course that concludes with an examination at a Chamber of Crafts . The degree was redesigned in 2007; has been audited since 2008.

This advanced training strengthens the ability to plan and design advanced training courses in an action-oriented manner and to implement them in a participant-related manner. Through their own experiences in the online part of this training course, the participants can also evaluate the chances of media and network-based learning.

The preparatory course can be completed part-time and has a duration of 4 months.

Content conception

This modular advanced training course for teachers is designed as a blended learning course, i.e. as a link between self-learning and supervised learning in face-to-face seminars and online conferences. The advanced training includes self-learning phases with documents / scripts and, in some cases, with learning programs, key questions and tasks for each module. At the beginning, a complex teaching project is agreed with the participants, which they implement in the course of the course. The learners receive regular feedback from the learning guides on the work they have done. For online support and exchange with one another, the participants are created on an online learning platform.

The total scope of the training is 200 hours, 90 of which are self-study and 110 hours. Face-to-face learning, around 14 hours of which in the online conference room. Essential technical contexts and basic information of the advanced training are contained in the self-study materials. The tasks and, above all, the project accompanying the course are designed in such a way that the findings can be implemented in the practical work of the participants. It is generally suggested to work on tasks in groups. The teaching project extends to an action-systematic macro-planning of a course or part of a course as well as the action-oriented detailed planning of one to two teaching units. A two-day classroom seminar is held for each module, in which selected focal points of the module are dealt with intensively. Open questions from the self-study phase should be discussed here. Above all, a practical implementation and deepening of the knowledge gained in the self-learning phases should take place. Topics of the respective module should be taken up, about which the exchange of experiences among the learners is particularly important.

Training content

Module 1: Didactic planning of action-oriented courses (macro planning)

  • Macro planning of the course: Examination regulations and framework curriculum as the basis of didactic planning, obligations and freedom, coordination with other teachers, action orientation and action competence, didactic action in connection: macro planning, lesson preparation, lesson implementation, lesson reflection, process planning: didactic sequence of topics / action situations, fundamental context between goals, content and methods, required use of media and tasks, basic planning of securing results.
  • Dealing with heterogeneous participant structures: Participant orientation, recording of the participant requirements, analysis of the specific working conditions, strategies to take into account the special requirements of heterogeneous participant structures.

Module 2: Methodical approaches for an action-oriented teaching design

  • Methods for entering the course: On the sociodynamics of initial situations, options for designing the entry.

Action orientation in the classroom: theoretical basics, practical implementation.

  • Methodological possibilities: Diversity of methods - opportunities and effects of different methods for the design of learning processes, criteria for the selection of suitable methods (target / competence reference, content reference), importance of the framework conditions for the method choice, reference between method choice and media use, specific moderation and presentation techniques.

Module 3: Action-oriented media design and use of media

  • Functions of media in the teaching / learning process.
  • Criteria for the selection / development of media: reference to media and goals, alignment of media to selected teaching methods

Development and evaluation of action-oriented tasks (projects, customer orders, etc.): Requirements for action-oriented tasks, procedure for creating and evaluating action-oriented tasks, evaluation of action-oriented tasks.

  • Criteria for the design of media: specifications of the carrier for the design, observance of the requirements of QM, design techniques, practical examples.
  • Dealing with media in the teaching-learning situation, integration of new media into the classroom.

Module 4: Accompanying learners through the course

  • The new role of the teacher: from lecturer to organizer and facilitator of learning processes.
  • Learning to learn: Development of a new learning culture: from consumer attitudes to self-organized and self-directed learning, learning behavior of adults, learning techniques for adults.
  • Support of learning processes: Discussing goals, motivating (edutainment), learning difficulties and learning aids, feedback and adult-oriented learning success controls.

Module 5: Behavioral reflection, communication and conflict management in the course

  • The image of man and the effects on the behavior of teachers: On the importance of the image of man, understanding of the role of teacher - learner, reflection of one's own attitude and behavior.
  • Communication with the participants: design of communication processes, avoidance of communication disturbances.
  • Organization and control of group processes: criteria for the formation of working groups, communication and interaction in the group that promote learning, assistance in the event of disturbances and blockages.
  • Conflict management in the course: causes of conflicts in the course, ways of avoiding conflicts, ways of dealing with conflicts.

Admission requirements

The prerequisite for admission to the exam is one year of experience in continuing education and regular participation in the preparatory course.

Exam and graduation

After the completion of the individual modules, a certificate of attendance is issued by a Chamber of Crafts. After the end of the training, a further training examination is offered at a Chamber of Crafts.

At the end of the training course, there is currently an advanced training examination at the Dortmund Chamber of Crafts or the Chemnitz Chamber of Crafts . The focus of the examination is the processing of a project task in term paper as well as an oral examination. The term paper requires the preparation of a real course concept as a term paper for a course or course part of 50 teaching hours (macro planning) as well as the detailed planning of a teaching unit of 2 hours from the student's own teaching practice or from a planned teaching activity. The oral examination lasts 1 hour and includes a presentation of the project and an examination interview.

If the exam is passed, the examinee receives the certificate of certified advanced training trainer (HWK) .

Web links