Equipment point

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The device was a Jewish measure of length and corresponded to five hand widths . ( Jad haChasaka Hilchot sefer Torah cap.9,9)

The building part , also a Mosaic, Hebrew or medium cubit, was six hand widths.

  • 1 building space = 20.694 Paris inches = 248.328 Paris lines

If half a finger to a finger's breadth were added, the measure was called handyman

  • 1 Artisan = 21.556 Paris Inches = 258.675 Paris Lines


    • 1 hand width = 4 finger widths = 3.449 Paris inches
    • 1 finger width = 7 barley grains (placed close together)


  • Benedict Zuckermann: Annual report of the Jewish theological seminar: The Jewish system of measurements and its relations to the Greek and Roman. Grass, Barth and Comp., Breslau 1867, p. 20.
  • Wilhelm Hauck: Theological annual report. 3rd year, issue 1, Julius Riedner, Philadelphia 1868, p. 171.