Mishne Torah

Mishne Torah ( Hebrew מִשְׁנֶה תּוֹרָה, “Repetition of the Torah ”, also referred to as HaJad haChasaka, Strong Hand ) is a comprehensive, strictly logically structured collection of Maimonides' Jewish laws . It was created from 1170 to 1180 when Maimonides was in Egypt . The work is divided into fourteen volumes.
Sefer Madda
Sefer HaMadda ( Hebrew סֵפֶר המַדָּע; Book of Knowledge). This book consists of five halachot , the laws governing the principles of the Torah . All aspects of the book concern worship and relationship with God. It starts with understanding the laws of belief. This is followed by the laws on personal self-development. Plus the laws on how to study the Torah. Finally, the laws on worship and the laws on repentance. It consists of a total of 75 mitzvot , including 6 commandments and 59 prohibitions.
- Hilchot Jesodei ha-Torah ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת יְסוֹדי התורה; Laws on the Principles of the Torah )
- Hilchot De'ot ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת דְּעוֹת; Laws of philosophy)
- Hilchot Talmud Torah ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת תלמוד תורה; Laws for studying the Talmud )
- Hilchot Avoda Sara we-Chukot ha-Goyim ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת עֲבוֹדָה זָרָה וחוּקוֹת הגּוֹיִים; Laws Prohibiting Idolatry )
- Hilchot T'schuwa ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת תְּשׁוּבָה; Laws on repentance and repentance)
Sefer Ahawa
Sefer Ahawa ( Hebrew סֵפֶר האַהֲבָה; Book of love). This book describes love for God and consists of six halachot. They concern Sh'ma prayer, laws relating to prayer and priestly blessing, and laws relating to T'fillin, Mezuzot and the Torah scrolls. It consists of a total of 11 mitzvot, exclusively commandments.
- Hilchot Krijat Shma ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת קְרִיאַת שֵׁמַע: Law of Shema Prayer )
- Hilchot Tefila we-Birkat Kohanim ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת תְּפִילָּה ובִּרְכַּת כֹּהֲנִים: Law of prayer and priestly blessing)
- Hilchot Tefilin ve-Mesusah ve-Sefer Torah ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת תְּפִילִין ומְזוּזָה וסֵפֶר תּוֹרָה: Laws on Tefilin and Mezuzah )
- Hilchot Zizit ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת צִיצִית: Laws to the Ziziot )
- Hilchot Brachot ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת בְּרָכוֹת: Laws on Blessings)
- Hilchot Brit Mila, Seder Tefila ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת בְּרִית מִלָּה סֵדֶר תְּפִלָּה: Laws to the Brit Mila .)
Sefer S'manim
Sefer S'manim ( Hebrew סֵפֶר זְמָנִים; Book of times). This book consists of ten halachot, they concern the Shabbat , Eruvin, Yom Kippur , Chametz, Mazza, Shofar, Sukka, Lulav, the laws regarding the half-Shekel, Rosh Chodesh , Lent, Megillah and Hanukkah . The word "s'manim" means "times" in the sense of "sacred times" and here refers to the Shabbat and the Jewish holidays . The book consists of 35 mitzvot, of which 19 are commandments and 16 are forbidden; also three Mitzwot d'Rabbanan (based on rabbinical decision).
- Hilchot Shabbat ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת שַׁבָּת: Shabbat Laws )
- Hilchot Eruvin ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת עֵרוּבִין: Shabbat Laws)
- Hilchot Schwitat Asor ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת שְׁבִיתַת עָשׂוֹר: Law on the prohibitions on Yom Kippur )
- Hilchot Yom Tov ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת שְׁבִיתַת יוֹם טוֹב: Laws on the prohibitions on Shabbat)
- Hilchot Chametz u-Mazza ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת חָמֵץ ומַצָּה: Laws on the prohibitions on Passover )
- Hilchot Shofar we-Lulav we-Sukkah ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת שׁוֹפָר וסֻכָּה ולוּלָב: see Rosh Hashanah and Sukkot )
- Hilchot Sh'kalim ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת שְׁקָלִים)
- Hilchot Kiddush ha-Chodesh ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת קִדּוּש הַחֹדֶשׁ: see Rosh Chodesch )
- Hilchot Taanijot ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת תַּעֲנִיוֹת: Laws on fasting days)
- Hilchot Chanuka u-Megilla ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת מְגִלָּה וחֲנֻכָּה: Laws for the holidays of Hanukkah and Purim )
Sefer Naschim
Sefer Naschim ( Hebrew סֵפֶר נָשִׁים; Book of women). This book consists of five halachoths. It's about marriage, divorce, levirate marriage, raped women and adulterers. It contains 17 mitzvot, of which 9 are commandments and 8 are prohibitions.
- Hilchot Ischut ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת אִישׁוּת; Laws on marriage , kiddushin and ketubba )
- Hilchot Geruschin ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת גֵּירוּשִׁין; Laws on divorce )
- Hilchot Jibum wa-Chaliza ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת יִיבּוּם וחֲלִיצָה; Levirate marriage laws )
- Hilchot Na'ara Betula ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת נַעֲרָה בְּתוּלָה; Laws regarding a man who seduces or rapes an unmarried woman)
- Hilchot Sota ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת סוֹטָה; Laws Regarding a Woman Suspected of Adultery and Infidelity)
Sefer Kedusha
Sefer Kedusha ( Hebrew סֵפֶר קְדוּשָּׁה; Book of Holiness). This book consists of three halachoths. It describes forbidden sexual relationships, forbidden eating, and slaughtering. It has 70 mitzvot, of which 8 are commandments and 62 are prohibitions.
- Hilchot Issurei Biah ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת אִיסּוּרֵי בִּיאָה; Laws on Prohibited Sexual Relations). Includes nidda , incest, and adultery . Also interfaith marriage with non-Jews is forbidden.
- Hilchot Ma'achalot Assurot ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת מַאֲכְלוֹת אֲסוּרוֹת; Laws on Kashrut )
- Hilchot Shekhita ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת שְׁחִיטָה; Laws on shafts )
Sefer Hafla'ah
Sefer Hafla'ah ( Hebrew סֵפֶר הַפְלָאָה; German book of separation). This book consists of four halachoths. It is about oaths, vows, Nazarites and donations. It contains 25 mitzvot, including 10 commandments and 15 prohibitions.
- Hilchot Schwuot ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת שְׁבוּעוֹת: Laws of Vows - Prohibitions)
- Hilchot Nedarim ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת נְדָרִים: Laws of Oaths - Commandments)
- Hilchot Nesirot ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת נְזִירוֹת: Laws of the Nazarites )
- Hilchot Erachin ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת עֳרָכִים וחרמים: Laws on Donations for the Temple)
Sefer S'raim
Sefer S'raim ( Hebrew סֵפֶר זְרָעִים; Book of Seeds). The book consists of seven halachoths. It's about rules and laws of agriculture, about donations for the poor and the priests. It has 67 mitzvot, of which 30 are commandments and 37 are prohibitions.
- Hilchot KilaJim ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת כִּלְאַיִם: Laws of Prohibited Mixtures)
- Hilchot Anijim ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת מַתָּנוֹת עֲנִיִים: Laws on Donations for the Poor)
- Hilchot T'rumot ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת תְּרוּמוֹת ומְעַשְּׂרוֹת: Laws on donations for the priests)
- Hilchot Maaser ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת מְעָשֵׂר שני ונֶטַע רַבְּעִי: Laws of tenths)
- Hilchot Bikurim ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת בִּיכּוּרִים ושְׁאָר מתנות כְּהוּנָּה שבגְּבוּלִין: Laws of the first fruit offerings)
- Hilchot Sch'mitta ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת שְׁמִיטָה ושְׁנַת היוֹבֵל: Laws of the fallow year)
Sefer Avoda
Sefer Avoda ( Hebrew סֵפֶר עֲבוֹדָה; Book of Temple Service). This book consists of nine halachoths. It describes the house chosen by God, temple implements and those who use them, the entrance to the temple, forbidden animal sacrifices, everyday sacrifices and the special sacrifice. It has 103 mitzvot, of which 47 are commandments and 56 are prohibitions.
- Hilchot Bet ha-Bechira ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת בֵּית הַבְּחִירָה; Laws to the (of God) chosen house / Laws to the temple)
- Hilchot k'lei ha-Mikdash ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת כְּלִי הַמִּקְדָּשׁ והעובדים בו; Temple Equipment Laws and Temple Servants)
- Hilchot bi'at ha-Mikdash ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת בִּיאַת הַמִּקְדָּשׁ: Laws on the entrance of the sanctuary)
- Hilchot issurei ha-Misbe'ach ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת איסורי מזבח: Laws of forbidden for the altar)
- Hilchot ma'aseh ha-Korbanot ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת מעשה הקרבנות: Laws on the Procedure of Sacrifice)
- Hilchot temidim u-Musafim ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת תמידין ומוספין: Laws of ongoing and additional temple sacrifices)
- Hilchot pesule ha-Mukdaschim ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת פסולי המוקדשין: Laws of Unfit temple offerings)
- Hilchot awodat Yom ha-Kippurim ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת עבודת יום הכיפורים: Laws of Service on Yom Kippur)
- Hilchot me'ilah ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת מעילה: Laws of Embezzlement of Temple Offerings)
Sefer Korbanot
Sefer Korbanot ( Hebrew ספר קרבנות; Book for temple offerings). This book consists of six halachoths. It describes the Passover sacrifice, the feast day sacrifice, the firstborn, and the atonement. It has 39 mitzvot, of which 20 are commandments and 19 are prohibitions. There are several occasions that dictate a sacrifice:
- Hilchot Korban Passover ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת קָרְבָּן פֶּסַח; Passover)
- Hilchot Chagigah ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת חֲגִיגָה, Holidays)
- Hilchot Bechorot ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת בְּכוֹרוֹת; Firstborn)
- Hilchot Sh'gagot ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת שְׁגָגוֹת; negligent offense)
- Hilchot Mechussareji Kappara ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת מְחֻסָּרֵי כַּפָּרָה; lack of forgiveness)
- Hilchot Temura ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת תְּמוּרָה; Repentance and repentance)
Sefer Tohorah
Sefer Tohorah ( Hebrew ספר טהרה; Book on ritual impurity). This book consists of eight halachoths. It describes ritual impurities . It has 20 mitzvot, of which 18 are commandments and two are prohibitions.
- Hilchot Tumat Met ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת טוּמְאַת מֵת; Impurity through corpse)
- Hilchot Para Aduma ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת פָּרָה אָדוּמּה; Red cow)
- Hilchot Tumat Zara'at ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת טוּמְאַת צָרַעַת; Impurity on skin, clothing, houses by Zaraat )
- Hilchot Metamei Mishkaw u-Moshaw ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת מְטַמֵּאי מִשְׁכָּב ומוֹשָׁב; Impurity through cohabitation)
- Hilchot Sh'ar Avot haTumot ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת שְׁאָר אָבוֹת הטוּמְאוֹת; Sources of impurity)
- Hilchot Tumat Ochalin ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת טוּמְאַת אוֹכְלִין; Impurity from eating)
- Hilchot kilim ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת כְּלִים; Impurity from devices)
- Hilchot Mikwaot ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת מִקְוּאוֹת; Purity by immersion bath)
Sefer Nesikin
Sefer Nesikin ( Hebrew ספר נזיקין; Book on damage and compensation). This book consists of five halachoths and describes the subjects of property damage, theft, robbery, assault and murder. It has 36 mitzvot, of which 16 are commandments and 20 are prohibitions.
- Hilchot Niskei Mamon ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת נִזְקֵי מָמוֹן; Monetary damage)
- Hilchot Negeiwa ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת גְּנֵיבָה; Theft)
- Hilchot G'seilah w-Awidah ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת גְּזֵילָה ואֲבֵידָה; Loss)
- Hilchot Chubal u-Masik ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת חוּבַּל ומַזִּיק; Damage and Damage)
- Hilchot Rozeach u-Schmirat Nefesch ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת רוֹצֵחַ ושְׁמִירַת נֶפֶשׁ; Murder and self-defense)
Sefer Kinjian
Sefer Kinjian ( Hebrew ספר קנין; Book on purchasing, sales law). This book consists of five halachoths: selling, buying property, neighbors, representation and partnerships, and slaves. It has 18 mitzvot, including six commandments and 12 prohibitions.
- Hilchot Mechirah ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת מְכִירָה; Sale)
- Hilchot Sechijah u-Matanah ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת זְכִיָּיה ומַתָּנָה; Prize and gift)
- Hilchot Sch'chenim ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת שְׁכֵנִים; Neighbours)
- Hilchot Schluchin w'Schutafin ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת שְׁלּוּחִין ושׁוּתָּפִין; Stand-in)
- Hilchot 'Awadim ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת עֳבָדִים; Slaves)
Sefer Mishpatim
Sefer Mishpatim ( Hebrew ספר משפטים; Book on Rights): This book describes civil law and consists of five halachoths. It deals with the relationship between employer and employee, loaned and entrusted items, lender and borrower, litigation between the accuser and the defendant, and inheritance. It consists of 23 mitzvot, of which 11 are commandments and 12 are prohibitions.
- Hilchot S'chirut ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת שְׂכִירוּת; Rental fee)
- Hilchot Scheila u-picadon ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת שְׁאֵלָה ופִּקָּדוֹן; Loan and safekeeping)
- Hilchot Malweh w'Lowech ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת מַלְוֶה ולוח; Loan)
- Hilchot To'en w'Nit'an ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת טוֹעֵן ונִטְעַן; Plaintiff and defendant)
- Hilchot Nachalot ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת נַחֲלוֹת; Privately owned land)
Sefer Schoftim
Sefer Schoftim ( Hebrew ספר שופטים; Book of Judges): This book consists of five halachoths: courts, jurisdiction, witnesses, widows, kings and their wars. It consists of 74 mitzvot , of which 27 are commandments and 47 are prohibitions.
- Hilchot Sanhedrin ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת סַנְהֶדְרִין והעוֹנְשִׁין המַסּוֹרִים להם; Sanhedrin Laws and Traditional Punishments)
- Hilchot 'Edut ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת עֵדוּת; Laws to Evidence)
- Hilchot Mamrim ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת ממרִים)
- Hilchot Ewel ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת אֵבֶל; Laws to repentance)
- Hilchot Melachim u-Milchamotejihem ( Hebrew הִלְכּוֹת מְלָכִים ומִלְחְמוֹתֵיהם; Laws on kings and their wars)
Web links
- e-text (hebr.)
- Preface (English translation)
- Mischne Torah (German translation)
Individual evidence
- ↑ http://searchworks.stanford.edu/view/6911060
- ↑ http://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/6459/jewish/Sefer-Korbanot.htm
- ↑ http://ajewishvoice.wordpress.com/tag/taryag/
- ↑ http://ajewishvoice.wordpress.com/tag/taryag/
- ↑ http://ajewishvoice.wordpress.com/tag/taryag/
- ↑ http://ajewishvoice.wordpress.com/tag/taryag/
- ↑ http://ajewishvoice.wordpress.com/tag/taryag/