Gerald Pilz

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Gerald Pilz (* in the 20th century) is a finance scientist .


Pilz studied social sciences and education at the University of Stuttgart . Today he works as a management consultant in the field of personnel management and controlling as well as a lecturer. Pilz teaches at the Berufsakeademie Stuttgart .


  • Real estate stocks and REITs. Investment opportunities for investors , Oldenbourg Verlag (August 2007), ISBN 3486582399
  • Investment in raw materials. Energy carriers, precious metals, industrial and agricultural raw materials , Beck Juristischer Verlag; Edition: 1st edition (June 2007), ISBN 3423509120
  • Certificates , Beck Juristischer Verlag; Edition: 1st edition (June 2006), ISBN 3423509031
  • Successful investment practice. How you can benefit from financial market research , Vahlen; Edition: 1 (April 2005), ISBN 3800631105
  • Read and understand balance sheets. Proven analytical methods , Beck Juristischer Verlag; Edition: 1 (March 2008), ISBN 340657176X
  • Emerging Markets , Beck Legal Publishing House; Edition: 1 (April 2008), ISBN 3423509171
  • Executive compensation and asset accumulation , Oldenbourg Verlag, Edition: 1 (August 1, 2008), ISBN 348658488X
  • Shares. Basics, evaluation, strategies , Beck Juristischer Verlag; Edition: 1 (July 2007), ISNB 3423508531

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