Total sales

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The term in nutritional science

The total turnover or total energy is the energy consumption of the person made up of the basic turnover and output or work turnover . It describes the total amount of energy that an organism consumes per day. The size in kilojoules (kJ) depends on age and occupation, as well as gender.

Teenagers between the ages of 12-18 use the most energy because at this age they grow very quickly and also move more than adults.

Basal metabolic rate

The basal metabolic rate is the amount of energy that a person needs to maintain life processes (breathing, circulation, metabolism) in complete rest. The basal metabolic rate is calculated as follows: 4 (kJ) * kg (kilograms) * 24 (hours).

The leisure turnover is between 800 and 1300kJ.

To calculate the basal metabolic rate in kilocalories, we recommend the Mifflin-St. Jeor formula (MSJ formula) from 1990:

GU (basal metabolic rate) = 10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) - 5 x age (years) + s

Performance turnover

The output is the amount of energy that a person needs for all additional services (physical activity). The performance turnover is calculated as follows: × (kJ) * kg (kilograms) * 8 (working hours). The "×" stands for the kJ of the respective severity of the work.

For light work, such as E.g. car drivers, hairdressers, laboratory assistants, tailors, teachers, housewives, etc. are calculated with 2-4 kJ.

For medium-heavy work, such as For example: locksmiths, painters, household chores with greater manual effort etc. are calculated with 4-8 kJ.

For heavy work, such as E.g. bricklayers and competitive athletes are expected to have 8-12 kJ.

For the heaviest work, such as high-performance athletes, 12 kJ and more are expected.

The term in business administration

The total turnover is an important economic indicator, because the sales tax is based on this value.

Total sales are calculated by subtracting tax-free sales and auxiliary sales - including sales that do not come from the core business - from the total of all taxable sales.

The sales tax is not included.

Individual evidence

  1. Germany's most comprehensive calorie calculator. Retrieved October 8, 2019 (German).
  2. Sales / Revenue | Accounting - world of business administration. In: Retrieved August 25, 2015 .