Speed ​​limiter

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Speed ​​limiters are devices that limit the vehicle's maximum speed to the set value primarily by controlling the fuel supply to the engine (definition according to Section 57c, Paragraph 1 of the Road Traffic Licensing Regulations ). In the member states of the European Community, certain trucks (trucks) and buses (KOM) must be equipped with a speed limiter.



In Germany, trucks> 12 tons and buses> 10 tons with initial registration from January 1, 1988 to October 1, 2001 must be equipped with a speed limiter. Before 1988, nobody needed one. From October 1, 2001, all buses and coaches as well as trucks, tractors and semitrailer tractors with a permissible total weight of more than 3.5 t each must be equipped with a speed limiter, unless, due to their design, these vehicles are not faster than 100 km / h or 90 km / h. The speed limiter must be set to a maximum speed of 100 km / h for buses and coaches, and to a maximum speed of 90 km / h for trucks. It must be made in such a way that it cannot be switched off. The vehicle driver must carry the speed limiter test certificate with him.


Vehicles of classes M2 and M3 must be equipped with a speed limiter that is set so that a speed of 100 km / h cannot be exceeded. For vehicles of classes N2 and N3, the speed limiter must be set so that a speed of 90 km / h cannot be exceeded. The speed limiter must not be able to be switched off and must be protected against unauthorized interference.


In Switzerland, speed limiters have been mandatory since January 1, 2005 for all trucks over 3.5 tonnes and for all buses with more than nine seats.


The speed limiter controls the fuel supply to the engine by activating the servomotor when the set maximum speed (V max. ) Is exceeded and the fuel delivery rate is adjusted via the injection pump.

Speed ​​limiters may only be installed and tested in motor vehicles by officially recognized vehicle manufacturers, manufacturers of speed limiters or representatives of the manufacturers as well as by workshops authorized by them.

Individual evidence

  1. ↑ Council Directive 92/6 / EEC of February 10, 1992 on the installation and use of speed limiters for certain vehicle classes in the Community (OJ L 57 of March 2, 1992, p. 27), amended by Directive 2002/85 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 November 2002
  2. § 24a KFG 1967 speed limiter
  3. Km / h limiters are mandatory for all trucks. June 16, 2003, accessed January 28, 2020 .
  4. ^ Heribert Braun, Günter Kolb: LKW. A textbook and reference book. 10th edition. Kirschbaum, Bonn 2008, ISBN 978-3-7812-1702-7 , pp. 74f.