Law amending legal aid and advisory assistance law

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The law amending legal aid and counseling aid law , PKHuBerHÄndG for short , is a German amending law .

It took up the demands of the federal states from the Federal Council initiatives of the 16th and 17th legislative periods to limit the spending of the state budgets for legal aid and advisory assistance , which had risen in the years before, and implemented a decision of the Federal Constitutional Court to include tax law matters in advisory assistance. The law of August 31, 2013 came into force on January 1, 2014.

In the law on the introduction of the Code of Civil Procedure , Paragraph 40 of the transitional provision to the law amending legal aid and advisory assistance law was passed.

Criticism of the changes comes from the Bundestag member Wolfgang Nešković (LINKE) and from Caritas , among others .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Critique by Wolfgang Nešković
  2. Criticism of Caritas