Quilted canvas armor

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Quilted canvas armor
Korean step testing.jpg
Weapon type: armor
Designations: Padded canvas armor, padded armor
Use: Protective weapon
Region of origin /
Korea , military
Distribution: Korea
Weight: about 3.5 kg
Lists on the subject

A quilted canvas armor, also called Mokmyeon-gap, is a protective weapon from Korea.


A quilted canvas armor consists of thick, heavy canvas . This type of armor has been used in Korea in the Joseon Dynasty since the late 16th century . It was intended more for the simple infantry soldiers who could not afford high quality armor. The entire armor consists of a helmet that is reinforced with metal parts, a jacket and a type of kilt , all of which are constructed on the same principle. On the jacket, the side parts of the helmet and the kilt there are characters that were applied by means of block printing . The characters on the chest mean: Om mani padme hum (see there for meaning and explanation). The symbols of the “five sacred mountains” of Taoism can be seen on the helmet and kilt . This type of cloth armor is very rare, there are only very few of these armor around the world.

Individual evidence

  1. Quilted canvas armor in the Pitt Rivers Museum (accessed November 15, 2012)


  • George Cameron Stone, Donald J. LaRocca, A Glossary of the Construction, Decoration and Use of Arms and Armor: in All Countries and in All Times , Courier Dover Publications, 1999, page 23, ISBN 978-0-486-40726- 5

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