Gintautas Valickas

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Gintautas Valickas is a Lithuanian forensic psychologist , professor at the Department of Psychology at Vilnius and MRU University .


After graduating from high school, Gintautas Valickas graduated from Vilnius University with a degree in psychology . Then he studied in the aspirant and received his doctorate in 1987 on the subject of self-assessment of underage lawbreakers: their emergence and role in the emergence of behavior (lit. "Nepilnamečių teisės pažeidėjų savęs vertinimas: jo formavimasis ir vaidmuo elgesio genezėje") at the Lomonosov University in Moscow . He taught at the Mykolas Romer University . He is professor and head of the Department of Psychology at Vilnius University. His research and teaching subjects include forensic psychology , personality, decision psychology , personality psychology , psychology of anti-social behavior.

1995–2000 he was President of the Psychological Association of Lithuania ( Lietuvos psichologų sąjunga ).

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