Giovanni Battista Bertucci

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Giovanni Battista Bertucci the Elder (also Faenza or il vecchio = Italian. The Elder; bl. In the 16th century ) is an Italian painter . It is documented through his works for the period from 1495 to 1516. As the first of an Italian family, he devoted himself primarily to religious topics; his first appearance is documented for Faenza .

This family of artists also came from some namesakes, including Giovan Battista Bertucci il Giovane (1539-1614) (il Giovane = Italian for the younger) his nephew and Giovanni Battista Bertusio (also Giovanni Battista Bertucci) (1577-1644).

The middle part of a polyptych , the Adoration of the Magi , was in the Berlin museums and was lost in the fighting in 1945. The polyptych made around 1509 for the church of the Convent of Santa Caterina Faenza (Controlling Mengolini family).

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