Equal Treatment Act
Equal Treatment Act stands for:
- General Equal Treatment Act , Germany, federal authorities
- Federal Act on Equal Treatment (GlBG), Austria in Working Life
- Federal Equal Treatment Act (B-GlBG), Austria in the federal area
- Equal Treatment Directives of the European Union
- State equal treatment laws , Austria in the area of the states
- Municipality equal treatment laws , Austria in the area of the municipalities of a country
See also
- Equal Opportunities Act in Germany, Switzerland
- Equal Rights Act in Germany
- Directive 2000/43 / EC on the application of the principle of equal treatment regardless of race or ethnic origin in the EU
- Council Directive 2004/113 / EC of December 13, 2004 on the implementation of the principle of equal treatment for women and men with regard to access to and supply of EU goods and services
- Council Directive 2000/78 / EC of November 27, 2000 establishing a general framework for equal treatment in employment and occupation in the EU