Glyph probe

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Glyphensonden ( . English glyph probes ) are in the scientific visualization a method to high-dimensional data of fluid dynamics - specifically Diffusionstensorfelder - depict.


A diffusion tensor field gives a vector for every point of a space. This describes the direction in which a particle would move from this point. The length of the vector indicates how much the particle would be accelerated.

Since there is a three-dimensional vector at every point in three-dimensional space, it is important to depict six-dimensional data sets in images. Willem C. de Leeuw and Jarke J. van Wijk presented the principle of the glyph probe in 1993. The glyph probe is faded in at one point in the room and uses its various geometric individual parts to represent quantities such as particle trajectory, tangential acceleration and shear force at this point.


  1. ^ Willem C. de Leeuw and Jarke J. van Wijk: A probe for local flow field visualization. In: IEEE Visualization '93 , pp. 39-45, 1993