Go version

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Go variants are games based on the traditional Chinese board game Go .

Variants that use the rules of the go

  • Rengo . Go to four
  • Zen go . Go threesome. It is placed in turn so that you play black and white alternately.
  • Go on boards with a format other than the usual 19 × 19, 13 × 13 or 9 × 9 squares
  • Blind go . Go in the head, analogous to blind chess
  • Mekura-Go (One-Color-Go). Mild form of blind go: pieces of both colors are shown on the board with pieces of only one color

Variants based on the rules of Go

  • Atari-Go . Whoever catches something first wins; known as an exercise for beginners to go
  • Poker Go . (Lothar Teikemeier, 1988). Go with event cards
  • Keima-Go . In a move, 2 stones are placed that are a knight move apart
  • Rund-Go . Go on a special, circular board
  • 1000 Volt Go (Ralf Gering, 1988). Newly placed stones attract stones of different colors and repel stones of the same color.
  • Three-stone go . Go, in which both players take turns placing three stones. Can also be played with more stones.
  • Seven-in-a-row . Seven stones in a row win the game. The go shot rules apply.
  • No-go . The opponent may object to a move once every round, so that you have to play in a different place than planned.
  • Phantom Go . Go, in which you only see your own stones at first, so a referee is required. It is therefore not a game with perfect information .
  • Continuum Go. The stones (circular with a given diameter) are placed in a freely selectable position (real coordinates) on the game board; they must not overlap or protrude from the board. Two stones A 1 , A 2 of party A are connected if there is not a pair B 1 , B 2 of party B in such a way that the connecting lines between the two stones of a pair cross each other and the distance between B 1 and B 2 is smaller is than that between A 1 and A 2 . A chain is defined as in normal Go: stones of the same color that are connected to each other. A chain has a freedom if there is still space to place a stone so that it is connected to a stone of the chain. Chains without freedom are beaten.
    Alternative definition: two stones of the same color are connected if the distance between their center points is less than -fold the stone diameter. Winning condition can e.g. B. be, at the end of the game, after both players have passed, to have more stones on the board than the opponent.
  • Dart go. An attempt is made to throw valid coordinates on a dart board for setting one's go-stone. If that doesn't work, you have to pass.

Other variants

  • Gach - Chess-like game with pieces made up of several Go-pieces.

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