Grüneberg Villa

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Grüneberg-Villa 2016 after implementation

The Grüneberg-Villa (also Villa Grüneberg , Polish Willa Grünebergów ) is an Art Nouveau villa in Szczecin-Zdroje (Stettin-Finkenwalde) in Poland . From 1910 to 1945 it was the home of the organ builder Felix Grüneberg .


Organ builder family Grüneberg in Szczecin

Friedrich Georg Grüneberg had been running an organ building workshop in Stettin at Grosse Domstrasse 795 (24) (today ul. Farna, the house was destroyed in 1945) since 1782 . His son August Wilhelm and grandson Barnim also worked there, the latter as the most important organ builder in the Baltic Sea region in his time.

Grüneberg-Villa until 1945

From 1906 to 1912 a new organ building institute was built in Finkenwalde near Stettin at Langen Strasse 61. This had a large assembly hall and several workshops. In 1908, the city architect Adolf Stahl designed an Art Nouveau villa for the family as a residential building, which was completed in 1910 (or 1911/12). According to the memories of the grandson, there was also a rich cultural life with receptions.

In 1945 the Grüneberg family left Stettin.

History after 1945

Grüneberg-Villa 2012

In 1947, the engineer Stanisław Kępiński and his wife Bronisława got the property at ulica Batalionów Chłopskich 61. In the 1950s, the factory buildings had to be demolished in the Action Bricks for Warsaw . Carpentry workshops of the city of Szczecin were built on the site.

In 2010, the city decided to demolish the residential building to make room for a high-speed railway line. At the time she was apparently not aware of the history of the house. There were protests across Europe. The building was then added to the city's list of monuments. 2014, the entire building was on rails by 45 meters moved .

In 2019, plans for a renovation were presented.



The villa is a two-storey residential building in Art Nouveau style , designed according to the ideas of the Deutscher Werkbund . Inside there is a staircase in which the railing and ceiling design are still partially preserved in the original version.

The house has only been renovated a little in the past few decades and is in need of restoration.


  • Outline of the past. In: Tagesspiegel from November 20, 2010. Accessed October 31, 2019 . with a detailed description of the story and information from Ms. Ewa Kępińska-Łużny

Web links

Commons : Grüneberg-Villa  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ History of the Grünberg Maciej Sztuba organ building establishment, with illustrations (Memento, Polish)
  2. ↑ An outline of the past. In: Tagesspiegel from November 20, 2010. Accessed October 31, 2019 . with detailed description and information from daughter Ewa Kępińska
  3. ^ In summer in Szczecin. A house on rails Tantower Wordpress 19 March 2014
  4. What happens next with the renovation of the Grüneberg Villa? Island report from February 16, 2019.

Coordinates: 53 ° 23 ′ 0.4 ″  N , 14 ° 38 ′ 22.5 ″  E