Graz Women's Prize

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The Graz Women's Prize has been awarded for the life's work of women and women's projects since 2009, and the award is to be awarded annually from 2020. In addition to a project with prize money of 6,000 euros, the life's work of a well-deserved woman from Graz who has distinguished herself through her personal commitment to work with women and girls, in the feminist and women's political discourse and in efforts to establish gender equality will also be awarded .

Lifetime achievement award winners

2009: To honor achievements by women for women

2011: To honor achievements by women for women

2017: Giving women a voice

  • Magdalena Liebethat
  • Maria Bauer


  • Ilse Wieser


2009: To honor achievements by women for women

  • Johanna Klostermann for the project "FIT - Women in Technology"

2011: To honor achievements by women for women

2017: Giving women a voice


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. styria ORF at red: Women's award for life's work and theater. March 6, 2020, accessed March 12, 2020 .
  2. Women's prize awarded for the first time - Retrieved March 12, 2020 (Austrian German).
  3. From, rea Rieger | 10:41 am, March 9th , 2017: Award: The 2017 Graz Women's Prize goes to ... March 9th, 2017, accessed on March 12th, 2020 .
  4. First Graz Women's Prize awarded - Retrieved March 12, 2020 .
  5. Women's Health Center: Two Graz women's prizes go to the Women's Health Center. Retrieved March 12, 2020 .
  6. From, rea Rieger | 10:41 am, March 9th , 2017: Award: The 2017 Graz Women's Prize goes to ... March 9th, 2017, accessed on March 12th, 2020 .
  7. Subsidy givers> Women's advice center for sexual violence in Styria, TARA advice center. Retrieved on March 12, 2020 (German).
  8. ^ City portal of the provincial capital of Graz Graz women's department: Graz Women's Prize 2020 - city portal of the provincial capital of Graz. Retrieved March 12, 2020 .