Green Office (universities)

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A green office ( also (student) sustainability office, future office, student green office ) is a university sustainability office run by students and university staff. A Green Office informs, connects and supports students and university employees in order to learn about sustainability and to implement projects. It also realizes its own ideas to anchor sustainability in teaching, research and operations.

The first Green Office was set up in 2010 at Maastricht University . Since then, the model has been adopted at over 35 universities in Europe and has won the UNESCO Japan Prize in Education for Sustainable Development.

Individual evidence

  1. Start . In: Green Office Model . November 15, 2017 ( [accessed October 5, 2018]).
  2. What is it? In: Green Office Model . November 17, 2017 ( [accessed October 5, 2018]).
  3. LAUREATES 2015. Retrieved October 5, 2018 (English).