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The Gripla is an Icelandic scientific journal of the skandinavistischen Medieval Studies and Icelandic medieval literature ( Old Norse literature ). The journal has been peer-reviewed annually since 1975 by the research institute of " Stofnun Árna Magnússonar í íslenskum fræðum " ( Árni Magnússon Foundation for Icelandic Research ) in Reykjavík . The primary language of publication is Icelandic; articles in the other Scandinavian languages ​​as well as in English and German are accepted. The current editor-in-chief are Emily Lethbridge, Jóhanna Katrín Friðriksdóttir and Viðar Pálsson.

In addition to the literary history of Old Northwestern Norse poetry and prose, the main focus is on subjects related to manuscript studies (paleography) and the philology of the edition of the text corpus. In addition, topics from linguistics, antiquity and folklore, as well as the first edition of short text editions are published.

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