Grundig Academy for Business and Technology non-profit foundation

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The Grundig Academy for Business and Technology was founded in 1978 by Max Grundig in Nuremberg as a non-profit foundation . The purpose is professional development .

In the early years, the state-recognized technical college with its fields of electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, structural engineering and heating, ventilation and air conditioning technology was the main field of professional qualification. After reunification , a branch was opened in 1991 in Gera , Nuremberg's twin town. In addition to the technical school, this offers a higher vocational school as well as further training in various other subject areas.

In the years after 1990 the educational offer was systematically expanded. Today, advanced training is offered on the subjects of technology, management, business administration, IT and media design. The qualification takes place in day seminars, part-time in the evenings or on weekends as well as in the form of distance learning and e-learning. Another important business area is the qualification of employees from companies and organizations that is specifically tailored to the needs of companies.

Grundig Academy Group

In order to be in closer contact with the current scientific community, a majority stake in the WiSo Management Academy was acquired in 1997, an affiliated institute of the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg . In 2004 the Grundig Academy Group was expanded to include two further training companies. Top Business AG, the former Philips Academy, with locations in Nuremberg and Hamburg with a focus on telecommunications, organizational development and personnel development, and the Institute for Integration (ifi) in Nuremberg. Professional qualifications in the form of specially designed development programs for employees, long-term, comprehensive training and seminars for business and private customers are the most important business areas of the Grundig Akademie Group today.

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