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Guahayona is a Trickster in the myths of the Taino - Indians .

When in mythical times people stayed in caves and could not leave them because they were given by a man - the sun itself? - were guarded, Guahayona offered to lead the people "to the light" and to take the women and children with them first - an honorable act, as one would like to believe. But he took the women to an island on which only women have lived since then, and he left the children by a stream until they began to cry out of hunger and turned into frogs. So he "duped" everyone.

In another tale, Guahayona and his brother-in-law robbed the wives of a prince and pushed them into the water as they crossed the sea together - only to then leave all women on one island and with the one he liked best to go to another drive.

However, he brings the people - if not all! - actually into new areas of life and subsequently also defeated many enemies of the Taino.

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