Guardia de Asalto

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The Guardia de Asalto ( Assault Guard ) was a blue uniformed urban police force in Spain , similar to the green uniformed Guardia Civil , whose jurisdiction lay outside the cities.


The Guardia de Asalto was founded in February 1932 by the Republican government . Unlike the Guardia Civil, whose origins date back to the time of the monarchy, the Guardia de Asalto was largely loyal to the republican government. The troop strength (at the beginning of the civil war around 18,000 men) could not be compared with that of the Guardia Civil. Even so, at the beginning of the civil war , they played an important role in suppressing army revolts in the cities. The Guardia de Asalto was dissolved after the end of the civil war in 1939 and replaced by the Policía Armada .


See also

Web links

Commons : Guardia de Asalto  - Collection of images, videos and audio files