Guareña (meteorite)

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The Guareña meteorite is a chondritic meteorite that fell to Earth in Guareña , Spain , in 1892 . The total weight of the meteorite is 39 kg.


The fall of the meteorite took place on July 20, 1892 at around 10.30 a.m. near the Spanish city of Guareña ( Badajoz ). It was preceded by an intense noise - which lasted a few minutes - followed by three detonations, the first very loud and the other two weaker. Francisco Gutiérrez , a waiter in charge of a winery in town, heard the detonations and also saw a cloud of smoke suggesting that something had fallen about 100 meters from the building. As he approached, he saw a hole in the ground about a meter in diameter and about 75 cm deep where the meteorite protruded.

The recovered rock, which weighed about 32 kg, was transported to the village pastor's house. There it was seen by Juan M. Borrallo , a medical graduate, who, along with other neighbors, noticed that another meteorite had fallen about 8 km away from there. The next day at dawn they found the second fragment, weighing 7.2 kg.

Composition and classification

The meteorite consists mainly of silicates - olivine , orthopyroxene and plagioclase - with troilite and metallic iron-nickel as accompanying minerals. There are also a number of additional smaller phases such as B. low-calcium pigeonite and high-calcium clinopyroxene .

Olivine (Fa19.4), orthopiroxene (Fs17.4) and the total iron content (27.7% by weight) are characteristic of the chondrites H6, the group in which this meteorite is cataloged.

Most of the meteorite is kept in the National Museum of Natural Sciences in Madrid .

Individual evidence

  1. Guareña (Meteoritical Bulletin Database)
  2. newspaper report; Hace más de 120 años del meteorito de Guareña with photo by: Jesús Martínez Frías, cortesía del Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales en Madrid
  3. newspaper report Extremadura HOY; The primero fue el de Guareña
  4. Guareña meteorite ( data sheet