Guido Faba

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Guido Faba (* before 1190 in Bologna , † after 1248 in Bologna) was one of the most successful teachers of ars dictaminis and rhetoric .


His father was an unspecified Nicolaus in Bologna, where he is documented as a master's degree in 1210 . In 1215 and 1219–1220 he worked as a public notary . In 1221 he worked as a notary for the Bishop of Bologna and was with him, among other things, at the papal curia in Rome. In 1224/5 he received the first clerical ordinations and officiated as priest and chaplain of an unspecified chapel of San Michele (probably San Michele di Mercato di Mezzo ). He worked as a teacher at the school for grammar and ars dictaminis located there. From 1242 to 1243 he taught in Siena.


Guidos wrote several works on questions of the Latin style of letters and speech ( ars dictaminis ), in particular a collection of templates for introductions to letters. His oldest work is the Exordia , which is documented in a second version around 1229. This work, like the younger Gemma purpurea, provide examples of introductory passages of letters, adapted to the content and social position of the addressee. He adds short theoretical introductions to the introductory models in the Summa de vitiis et virtutibus . The most theoretical work of Guido is the Summa dictaminis , which was written around 1228/1229. Guido discusses the general characteristics of bad and good style, the components of a letter and individual questions of style. It gives templates for salutations, introductions, and a collection of Bible quotes for use in letters. The description of spiritual and secular privileges is part of the art of notarial art ( ars notariae ), to which the Petitiones from around 1230 are also dedicated. In the Arenge , Guido extends the spectrum of his patterns to include introductions for speeches. In its second version (1240–1241) the Arenge also contain complete sample speeches . Complete sample letters contain the Dictamina rhetorica , which were written around 1226/7. The most recent work, the Parlamenta et epistole (approx. 1242–1243) contains samples for letters and speeches.

The Summa de vitiis et virtutibus , the Gemma purpurea and the Parlamenta et epistole also contain patterns in Italian, making him the first rhetorician of Volgare .


The handwritten tradition shows Gudio to be one of the three most important rhetoricians of the Bolognese school (alongside Buoncompagno da Signa and Bene da Firenze ). Ernst Kantorowicz rates him as one of the most influential representatives of the stilus supremus , which was received in almost all contemporary law firms .



  • Augusto Gaudenzi (arrangement): Guidonis Fabe Dictamina Rhetorica. In: Il Propugnatore. ns Volume 5, 1892, pp. 86-129 and pp. 58-109 ( online at ALIM ).
  • Gemma purpurea. Excerpts in: Arrigo Castellani: Le formule volgari di Guido Faba. In: Studi di Filologia Italiana. Volume 13, 1955, pp. 5-78.
  • Gemma purpurea and Summa dictaminis. Excerpts in: Ludwig Rockinger (Ed.): Letter holders and formula books from the eleventh to fourteenth centuries. Volume 1, 1863, pp. 185-196 and pp. 197-200.
  • Virgilio Pini (ed.): La Summa de vitiis et virtutibus di Guido Faba. In: Quadrivium. Volume 1, 1956, pp. 41-152 ( online at Intratext ).
  • Augusto Gaudenzi (arr.): Guidonis Fabe Summa dictaminis. In: Il Propugnatore. ns Volume 3, 1890, pp. 287-338 and pp. 345-393 ( online at ALIM ).
  • A. Gaudenzi: Guidonis Fabe Epistole. In: Il Propugnatore. ns Volume 6,1, 1893, pp. 359-390 and Volume 6,2, pp. 372-389 (reprinted in: Guido Faba: Dictamina Rhetorica Epistole. Forni Editore, Bologna 1971, pp. 99-147) ( online at ALIM ).

Secondary literature (selection)

  • R. Aubert: Guy Faba. In: Dictionnaire d'histoire et de géographie ecclésiastiques. Letouzey et Ané, Paris 1988, vol. 22, col. 1270-1272.
  • Arrigo Castellani: Le formule volgari di Guido Faba. In: Studi di Filologia Italiana. Volume 13, 1955, pp. 5-78.
  • Charles B. Faulhaber: The Summa dictaminis of Guido Faba. In: James J. Murphy (Ed.): Medieval Eloquence: Studies in the Theory and Practice of Medieval Rhetoric. University of California Press, Berkeley 1978, pp. 85-111 ( online ).
  • Augusto Gaudenzi: Sulla cronologia delle opere dei dettatori bolognesi da Buoncompagno a Bene di Lucca. In: Bulletino dell'Istituto Storico Italiano. Volume 14, 1895, pp. 85-174, especially pp. 118-150.
  • Hanns Hohmann: Guido Faba. In: Medieval Italy an encyclopedia. Volume 1, 2004 ( online version ).
  • Ernst Kantorowicz: To “Autobiography” of Guido Faba. In: Ernst Kantorowicz; Michael Cherniavsky and Ralph E. Giesey (Eds.): Selected Studies. Augustin, Locust Valley, NY 1965, pp. 194–212 (first in: Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Volume 1, 1943, pp. 253–280.)
  • Hans Martin Schaller: Guido Faba. In: Lexicon of the Middle Ages. Volume 4, Col. 1776f.
  • Giuseppe Vecchi: Le Arenge di Guido Faba e l'eloquenza d'arte, civile, e politica duecentesca. In: Quadrivium. Volume 4, 1960, pp. 61-87.
  • Francesco Bausi: Fava (Faba), Guido (Guido Bononiensis) . In: Dizionario Biografico Italiano 45, 1995 online

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