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The Gunsetschoinei-Dazan ( Russian Дацан Гунзэчойнэй , English Datsan Gunzechoinei ) is an extensive Buddhist temple complex in Saint Petersburg , Russia and the northernmost Buddhist temple in Russia. The first religious celebration was held here in 1913, and construction was completed in 1915. It was closed in 1937 and only used as a temple again in 1989. As a Dazan , it is also a training center. The temple is maintained by the Tibetan Gelug School.

Web links

Commons : Saint-Petersburg Buddhist Temple  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Alexandra Garmazhapova: Celebrating the Buddha's birthday in St Petersburg. Russia & India Report, May 21, 2013, accessed November 21, 2013 .

Coordinates: 59 ° 59 ′ 1 ″  N , 30 ° 15 ′ 21 ″  E