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The girth is a measure used by transport companies. With the girth, the admissibility and the price for the dispatch of parcels can be determined. It calculates to

Girth = 1 × longest side + 2 × width + 2 × height

An equivalent formula is:

Girth = circumference (over the two smaller sides) + longest side

In addition to the girth, the maximum length and weight are often limited. The values ​​differ depending on the transport company.

Specification of the girth and maximum length

For example, the maximum length can be 200 cm and the girth 300 cm. A package with the maximum length may then have a circumference of 100 cm:

A very flat package could go up to

Package 1:
Length = 200 cm
Width = 49 cm
Height = 1 cm

be great. A square section package is up to

Package 2:
Length = 200 cm
Width = 25 cm
Height = 25 cm

large and a cube-shaped package up to

Package 3:
Length = width = height = 60 cm

(one fifth of the girth). The volume of the three packages is different: Package 1 is only 9,800 cm 3 , Package 2 is 125,000 cm 3 and Package 3 is even 216,000 cm 3 .

The largest volume of 250,000 cm 3 can be achieved with a package with

Package 4:
Length = 100 cm
Width = height = 50 cm


Flat package:

Maximum width = (girth - length) / 2

Square section package:

Maximum width = maximum height = (girth - length) / 4

Package with Same Pages:

Maximum side length = girth / 5

Package with maximum volume:

Length = girth / 3
Width = height = girth / 6 = length / 2

Direct indication of length, width and height

The German Post AG used since 2004 for normal packages and parcels no longer the girth, but instead writes the maximum length, width and height explicitly before the broadcast:

  • Parcel: 60 cm × 30 cm × 15 cm
  • Package: 120cm × 60cm × 60cm

Per the fine print is the consequent packages for combined dimensions of max. 360 cm, however, restricted to 300 cm for DHL parcels up to 10 kg.

If the length of the shipment and the volume of the shipment do not play a decisive role, it can sometimes be worthwhile to pack items that just exceed the length specified in the respective tariff diagonally in a correspondingly shorter, deeper and / or wider package.

For example, a long-playing record with a diameter of 30.0 cm in its cover would be 31 cm × 31 cm × 0.5 cm too big because it is too wide for a DHL parcel, so it would have to be sent as a package. Packed diagonally in a larger-volume box measuring 32 cm × 30 cm × 10 cm, however, it would still fall under the parcel tariff.


  1. See footnote 1 on , last accessed June 11, 2015.