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The Gustometrie is a diagnostic method for checking the sense of taste . Disturbances in which gustometry is used are, in particular, the lack of taste sensation and the falsified or only imagined perception of taste stimuli.

While reactions to substances are tested in chemogustometry, the ability to react to electrical currents can be investigated in electrogustometry .

A distinction is made between subjective gustometry , in which the patient's information is in the foreground, and objective gustometry , which makes this information verifiable.


Web links

Wiktionary: Gustometrie  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. Franzen, Achim: Ear, Nose and Throat Medicine: Short textbook , Elsevier, Urban & Fischer Verlag, 2007 (p. 115)
  2. Boenninghaus, Hans-Georg and Lenarz, Thomas: Ear, Nose and Throat Medicine . Springer Medizin Verlag, Heidelberg, 12th edition, 2005 , p. 205