HIGA - trade, industry and trade exhibition

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The HIGA - trade, industry and trade exhibition is a consumer fair that has been held every spring in the city of Chur since 1957 .


When Higa was founded in 1957, the city of Chur was in a process of growth and change. In addition to the development of residential and industrial quarters with many new buildings, as well as the opening of a large department store, Higa was also launched. The first Higa barely filled the market hall (today Chur town hall) with 74 exhibitors on 1,500 m². Today the net stand area is 6,000 m² and the town hall will be expanded with tents during the Higa. In 1957, 15,000 people visited Higa; in 1986 the figure was 94,000. Since 1992, the 200 exhibitors have had an average of 8,000 visitors per day.

Exhibition and special shows

Every year over 200 companies take part in the exhibition and present themselves and their products. The trade fair exhibitors offer the public consumer goods and services for everyday use. Around 80% of the exhibitors are at the fair again, many of them for decades. As a trade fair, Higa is a meeting point for stand operators and visitors. The exhibition is upgraded every year with special shows. Agriculture is always present with a new focus, the topics of the other special shows vary and are often related to a current thematic context.

Special shows (selection)

  • Manimal - a fascinating connection between humans and animals by the Jura artist Christian Schneiter
  • RTR e RSI - Radio e Televisiun Rumantscha turn the piazza into a TV and radio studio
  • Mysterious world of bees
  • Plastic - from raw material to finished product
  • Wood at its best
  • Fair firing - correct firing to prevent harmful smoke and protect the climate
  • Battasendas - Scouts in Graubünden
  • Jobs with head and heart - jobs in healthcare
  • The farmer's wife - consciously living tradition in a modern way
  • Pimp my car
  • The animal in you - the fascination of athletics
  • Älpler-Lebä - the alpine economy
  • Terra Rumantscha - Romansh Switzerland
  • Hosalupf - Schwingfest
  • Eva - woman feels good there
  • Max - where man has a good time
  • Andrea - adventure world for children
  • Predators are returning - what now?
  • Sports club adventure world

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