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The open interface format HUSST ( manufacturer- independent standard interface ) is a de facto standard in ticketing for local public transport. The format was developed by several hardware and software manufacturers and further developed within the framework of TelematicsPRO eV and ITS Germany eV.

The format is compatible with eTicket Deutschland and enables a flexible, manufacturer-independent structure of public transport sales systems. The tariff data flows unhindered from the background system into the sales devices and vice versa, the revenue data can easily find its way into the background system - even if the devices or programs involved in the data exchange come from different manufacturers.

HUSST is based on the XML format, with which even very complex tariff and sales structures can be mapped easily.

Individual evidence

  1. ITS Germany eV Retrieved December 17, 2019 .
  2. HUSST | Your independent standard interface for public transport. Retrieved May 16, 2017 .