Capacity to act (Austria)

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Under act is meant in Austria the ability to establish through their own behavior rights and obligations. A person is considered to be of legal age at the age of 18 and is therefore fully capable of acting. Since July 1, 2007 (KindRÄG 2001) it is no longer possible to be declared of legal age before the age of 18.

Areas of ability to act

The ability to act is divided into two areas:

Legal capacity

  • Persons under seven years of age ( children ) are completely incapable of contracting, with the exception of so-called pocket money transactions such as B. buying sweets.
  • Persons from 7 to 14 years of age ( underage minors ) have limited legal capacity, ie they may, for example, without the consent of their parents. B. Buy books and CDs.
  • Persons between the ages of 14 and 18 (adult minors) also have limited legal capacity, but are also allowed to take on smaller jobs (e.g. babysitting) and, with the consent of their parents, conclude apprenticeship and training contracts.

Offense ability

  • Persons up to the age of 14 are not punishable. From the age of 14, young people are generally held liable under criminal law and are liable for damages.