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Action apprentice is a term for apprentices in the commercial sector.

Legal regulation

The trainee trader was standardized in the sixth section of the first book of the Commercial Code (HGB) . The local §§ 76 ff. HGB were repealed in 1969. Today, sales assistants, like other apprentices , are subject to the Vocational Training Act (BBiG) . The action apprentice was traditionally the clerks delineate.


  • Hugo Horrwitz: The right of the clerks and trainees , Guttentag, Berlin 1905.
  • Markus Roth, in: Adolf Baumbach, Klaus Hopt, Commercial Code , § 59 Item 23.

Individual evidence

  1. Markus Roth, in: Adolf Baumbach, Klaus Hopt, Handelsgesetzbuch , § 59 Item 23.
  2. Repealed by BGBl. I 1969, p. 1112.
  3. Markus Roth, in: Adolf Baumbach, Klaus Hopt, Handelsgesetzbuch , § 59 Item 23.