Concise dictionary of musical terminology

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The concise dictionary of musical terminology ( HmT ) is a special music lexicon for the history of terms in art music , and in isolated cases also in popular music. After extensive preparatory work, it was published between 1971 and 2006 as a loose-leaf collection , initially under Hans Heinrich Eggebrecht , after his death in 1999 by Albrecht Riethmüller on behalf of the Academy of Sciences and Literature Mainz, published by Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden. With the 40th delivery in autumn 2005, the project was ended, if not completed (see afterword by Riethmüller; 19 terms were advertised but not published). On almost 3700 pages in 6 folders it contains 247 extensive articles in alphabetical order on the origin, history and meaning of the musical terms.


Concise dictionary of musical terminology , edited by Hans Heinrich Eggebrecht and Albrecht Riethmüller, editor Markus Bandur , Wiesbaden: Steiner 1971–2006, 3700 p. ISBN 978-3-515-10167-7 (CD-ROM with PDF of the complete deliveries)


  • Hans Heinrich Eggebrecht: Studies on musical terminology = treatises of the humanities and social sciences class [of the Academy of Sciences and Literature], year 1955, No. 10 [p. 817–947], Wiesbaden: Steiner 1955
  • Terminology of New Music = publications by the Institute for New Music and Music Education Darmstadt Vol. 5, Berlin: Merseburger 1965
  • Hans Heinrich Eggebrecht (ed.): On the terminology of the music of the 20th century = report on the second colloquium of the Walcker Foundation 9. – 10. March 1972 in Freiburg i.Breisgau, Stuttgart: Musikwissenschaftliche Verlags Gesellschaft 1974

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