Hans Elsner

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Hans Elsner (* 1923 in Cologne ) is a German educator.


After the Second World War, Hans Elsner is one of the pioneers and co-founders of German Montessori education . In 1956 he founded the first Montessori school in Cologne as a teacher, which still exists today in Cologne's Gillbachstrasse. In 1961 he and his colleagues founded the “Montessori Association” which, among other things, is strongly committed to teacher training and scientifically and practically develops Montessori pedagogy. On May 27, 1999, he received the Federal Cross of Merit on ribbon.

Selection of works

  • Learning scenes from a Montessori elementary school. In: Harald Ludwig (ed.): Education with Maria Montessori. A reform pedagogical concept in practice. 2nd ed. Freiburg 1998, pp. 83-87
  • Everyone has the right to be themselves. In: Paul Oswald, Günter Schulz-Benesch (Hrsg.): Basic thoughts of Montessori pedagogy. 14th edition. Freiburg 1996, pp. 139-150
  • Loving children is not enough. Author of the texts and drawings: Hans Elsner, Ed .: Deutsche Montessori-Vereinigung eV Cologne 2013.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Information from the Federal President's Office