Hans-Peter Marutschke

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Hans-Peter Marutschke (* 1951 ) is a German lawyer and professor emeritus at the University of Hagen .


After receiving his doctorate in 1992 in Hagen as Dr. iur. and his habilitation in 1987 there, he taught there from 2002 to 2016 as a professor of Japanese law, comparative law, German civil law, and Japanese legal and social history.

Fonts (selection)

  • The Development of Real Estate Law in Modern Japan and Land Lease Legislation of the Twenties . Berlin 1993, ISBN 3-452-22512-7 .
  • Transfer of rights in rem and acquisition in good faith in Japanese real estate law. A comparative study of Japanese, French and German contract and property law . Tübingen 1997, ISBN 3-16-146819-8 .
  • as editor: lay judges in Japan, Germany and Europe. Japanese-German Symposium, Doshisha University - Law School, Kyoto, May 15, 2005 . Berlin 2006, ISBN 3-8305-1239-2 .
  • Introduction to Japanese Law . Munich 2010, ISBN 978-3-406-55981-5 .

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