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Touring binding with mounted crampons

Crampons are fittings made of metal (mostly light steel or aluminum ) that are used in the bindings of touring skis to make it easier to get on even on harsh or icy snow when the skins can not develop a sufficient grip.

The crampons have spikes pointing backwards on both sides, which prevent them from sliding backwards and sideways.

When the load is relieved, the crampons lie loosely and can be easily pulled forward over the snow; when loaded, they are pushed into the snow by the weight of the tourer.

When the climbing aid of the touring binding is activated, the heel does not lie flat on the ski and the binding as a whole tilts forward at an angle even in the starting position (see the illustration opposite) . As a result, crampons often cannot penetrate deep enough into the snow.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Peter Geyer, Wolfgang Pohl: Alpine curriculum, volume 4, ski mountaineering, variant driving , BLV Verlagsgesellschaft München, Vienna, Zurich 1998, ISBN 3-405-14824-3 , p. 90