Hare-duck illusion

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Figure rabbit and duck from the Lustige Blätter dated October 23, 1892.

The hare-duck illusion , sometimes also rabbit and duck, is a tilt figure . It is an optical illusion, the picture can represent either a rabbit or a duck. The tilted picture was first published in the magazine Funny Leaves on October 23, 1892 in the category Which animals are most similar? released. The tilt picture became famous through the Austrian philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein . Wittgenstein had examined the tilted image in his work Philosophical Investigations and presented the tilted image as a prime example of different perspectives.


  • Peter Brugger (1999). Hundred years of an ambiguous figure: Happy birthday, duck / rabbit! Perceptual & Motor Skills, 89 (3), 973–977.