Main library of Jewish studies

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The building of the Main Library of Judaic Studies, built between 1928–1936 at 3/5 Tłomackie Street based on a project by Edward Eber

The Main Library of Judaic Studies (pol. Główna Biblioteka Judaistyczna ) or the Central Library of Judaic Studies (Centralna Biblioteka Judaistyczna) was a library in Warsaw, whose holdings included collections with a focus on Jewish Studies and the history of Jews in Poland . Today the library no longer exists.


The library was founded in the years 1879-1880 as the library of the Great Synagogue of Warsaw on the initiative of Ludwik Natanson. He presented the project to build the library as early as 1860. Its foundation was financed through a public fundraising campaign. Its existence later supported both the synagogue committee and private individuals. Until 1914, the library had the historian's commission, whose task it was to expand the holdings, primarily through archival documents from Kehillahs and various manuscripts. The commissioner was headed by Samuel Poznański. Mojżesz Moszkowski worked here as a librarian for years.

In 1927, on the initiative of Mojżesz Schorr, the construction of a new library building began. It was built in 1928-1936 at 3/5 Tłomackie Street according to the design of Edward Eber. There was also the seat of the Institute for Judaic Sciences (Instytut Nauk Judaistycznych). The building was designed in the style of modernized late historicism and is connected to the Great Synagogue .

From November 1940 to March 1942 the library building was part of the Warsaw Ghetto . It included the headquarters of the Jewish Social Self-Help (Żydowska Samopomoc Społeczna), an office of the repatriation commission (dot etapowy) for the Jews evacuated from Germany, and a warehouse with the furniture stolen from the ghetto. The building, although somewhat damaged, survived both the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising and the Warsaw Uprising . The library collections were stolen by the Germans. After the war, some of the holdings were returned to Warsaw (but according to another source, the library lost 100% of its collections, i.e. 40,000 items).

After the Great Synagogue was blown up on May 16, 1943, a fire broke out in the library, traces of which can be seen on the floor in the hall on the ground floor. Until the restoration of the old name Tłomackie Street in the 1980s, the address of the building was 79 Świerczewskiego Avenue.

Today the Jewish Historical Institute is located in the former library building.

Facade of the building with the inscription in Polish and Hebrew, reconstructed in 2016

Since 2008, one of the monuments on the borders of the Warsaw Ghetto (on the corner of Bielańska Street and Antoniego Corazziego Street) commemorates a part of the ghetto that was located in 1940–1942 a. a. the Main Library of Judaic Studies and the Great Synagogue were located.

In May 2016, the pre-war inscription Główna Biblioteka Judaistyczna was reconstructed in Polish and Hebrew above the main entrance to the building .

The "Centralna Biblioteka Judaistyczna" internet portal is a continuation of the library.


  • Zofia Borzymińska, Rafał Żebrowski: Polski słownik judaistyczny. Dzieje, kultura, religia, ludzie. Volume 1, Prószyński i S-ka publishing house, Warsaw 2003, pages 189–191, ISBN 83-7255-175-8 (Polish).

Individual evidence

  1. a b Żebrowski, Rafał .: Polski słownik judaistyczny: dzieje - kultura - religia - ludzie . Wydawn. Prószyński i S-ka, Warszawa 2003, ISBN 83-7255-126-X .
  2. Historia . Żydowski Instytut Historyczny. [dostęp 2017-09-14].
  3. a b 73. rocznica zburzenia Wielkiej Synagogi w Warszawie . In: Rzeczpospolita. May 7, 2016, p. A5.
  4. Centralna Biblioteka Judaistyczna . W: Wirtualny Sztetl [on-line]. Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich.
  5. a b c Leśniakowska, Marta .: Architektura w Warszawie: lata 1918-1939 . Wyd. 3. Edition. "Arkada" Pracownia Historii Sztuki, Warszawa 2006, ISBN 83-60350-00-0 .
  6. Majewski, Piotr, 1971-: Wojna i kultura: instytucje kultury polskiej w okupacyjnych realiach Generalnego Gubernatorstwa 1939-1945 . Wydawnictwo "Trio", Warszawa 2005, ISBN 83-7436-003-8 .
  7. Tomasz Urzykowski: Drama t odciśnięty w posadzce. In: Gazeta Stołeczna. October 13, 2016, p. 4.
  8. Tadeusz Podgórski: Zwiedzamy Warszawę. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Sport i Turystyka, 1956, p. 297.
  9. see homepage of the Centralna Biblioteka Judaistyczna (Polish)

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