House community

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In a house community , several tenants live in one house. In the narrower sense, one speaks of a house community only when the living parties have and want to have contact with one another. House communities of this kind are a popular alternative to shared apartments because, on the one hand, they allow more distance than a common household , but on the other hand they still allow a great spatial proximity - in gerontology , a catchphrase for family relationships is : "inner closeness with outer distance". The boundaries between the house community and cohousing are fluid, but cohousing is characterized by extensive community facilities.

If the concept or goal setting clearly emphasizes intergenerational coexistence, one also speaks of a multi-generation house .

In the GDR , tenants living together in one entrance were automatically counted as part of a house community in all apartment buildings or multi-storey high-rise buildings . One of them has been elected or commissioned as a housewife. This person had to keep at least the legally required house book . In many cases she was also recognized by the tenants as a spokesperson for daily topics or problems, such as B. the use of basement rooms for celebrations, pram and bicycle parking, use of drying rooms, general order and cleanliness and the like.

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Wiktionary: House community  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations