Headcount index

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The Head Count Index ( German about head count index ) is one of the World Bank in the development economics -used indicator of poverty. The headcount index indicates the percentage of a country's population that falls below a predetermined poverty line in terms of per capita consumption .


Be an income profile. Let the number of individuals considered poor in the income profile according to the poverty line be given by . The headcount index is then given by the proportion of the total population who are considered poor according to the poverty line


Determination of the poverty line

This poverty line is adjusted at the state level on the basis of regional conditions; it is based on the necessary minimum for consumer spending, either according to the cost-of-basic-needs method based on a shopping cart or the food-energy method , which only covers the minimum calorie requirement according to the Food and Agriculture Organization or World Health Organization .

In contrast to the national poverty line, the World Bank defines the international poverty line as 1 US dollar per day ( adjusted for purchasing power ) per person. This poverty line is based on purchasing power parity from 1985, with USD 1 PPP having the same real purchasing power in every country.

Web links

Overview of definitions of poverty