Therapeutic Products Act

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Basic data
Title: Federal Law on Drugs
and Medical Devices
Short title: Therapeutic Products Act
Abbreviation: HMG
Type: Federal law
Scope: Switzerland
Legal matter: Administrative law
legal collection (SR)
Original version from: Dec 15, 2000
Entry into force on: Jan. 1, 2002
Please note the note on the applicable legal version.

The Therapeutic Products Act (officially: Federal Act on Drugs and Medical Devices; HMG) regulates the dispensing and approval of medical devices in Switzerland . It has been in force since January 1, 2002. In addition, the Organizational Ordinance and the Ordinance on the Personnel of the Swiss Therapeutic Products Institute were adopted and the performance mandate for the years 2002 to 2005 was issued.

Previously, the cantons were responsible for medicinal products, the competent authority was the intercantonal control body for medicinal products based on a concordat .

The Therapeutic Products Act regulates in detail

  • Dispensing of medicines .
  • Approval of drugs.
  • Operating license for manufacturing, wholesale and inspection of these.
  • Market surveillance of medicinal products.
  • Control of narcotics traffic .
  • Testing of drug quality.
  • Legislation and standardization

The central monitoring authority is Swissmedic in Bern, which is subordinate to the Department of the Interior.

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