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Heime , also Hama, is a legendary figure of the German high and late Middle Ages and a journeyman Dietrich von Bern .

Heime is born as the son of the horse breeder Studas. His father realized early on that Heime would not allow himself to be persuaded to lead the life of a simple farmer and so it was no surprise when one day his son decided to challenge Dietrich von Bern to a duel.

Heime rides his stallion “Rispe” and his sword “Blutgang” to Bern, where he has to admit defeat to Dietrich in a tough duel, but is then allowed to join his journeymen. But when one day Hildebrand, Heime and a few other knights ride through a forest, they meet Wittich , who joins them to get to Bern. On the way they meet a band of bandits, but they are separated from it by a river. Wittich, however, jumps over the raging floods without hesitation and thus amazes his comrades, only homes who consider themselves the best rider under the sun resent it and, in contrast to the others, stays out of the skirmish. This dispute later leads to Heim's exclusion from Dietrich's allegiance, because Dietrich refuses to return the sword " Mimung " stolen by Wittich, who was believed to be dead .

After his exile, Heime puts himself in the service of King Ermenrich .