Heroes (comic)

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Heroes is the title of the first entirely in Germany produced Action - Comics . In January 1997 the first edition of Helden was published by the think tank Paul & Paul , Ralf Paul is responsible for the story and drawings . The series was concluded with Volume 6, a double edition. In the IPP comic Dorn , the story of heroes is continued in the form of a role-playing game of the characters.


The Gosian Empire is at war for the Burgol Valley . As a last reserve, the king sends his slaves , who had to serve as gladiators . Benwick is one of them, on his journey to Burgol he gradually meets the other heroes who join him for various reasons.


Benwick is a born warrior. He fought as a mercenary for the Gosian Empire , as the king is holding his mother hostage.

Rohán, an elf from the Alga forest , follows a mysterious message in a bottle .

Sean McDuff an Algerian religious warrior from the McDuffs clan.

Rasheed had to flee from his homeland Ish , but couldn't outrun the assassins who targeted his head.

Iliaka is an assassin who is after Raschid.

Stragen is a thief who meets the hero when his hometown is threatened by the undead.

Tanis also an elf like Rohan, the destruction of his Druid - circle drives into battle.


From 1997 to 2000 six volumes were published in Germany. In addition, an anthology was published in January 2001 which contains all six issues.

In July 2001 the first edition appeared in the USA , in a joint venture between IPP and / mg / publishing / with the name Caption Comics. The 5 other issues were then published monthly.

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