Ralf Paul

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Ralf Paul (* 1971 ) is a German comic artist , game designer and illustrator .


Paul lives in Kerpen near Cologne and founded the think tank Paul & Paul , an international agency for illustrators , in 1995 together with his brother Guido (1969–2015), his sister Marion and the comic author Thorsten Felden .

He became known nationwide and internationally through his fantasy comic series Heroes, first published in 1997, and the sequel Dorn , on which Paul is still working and which belongs to the superhero genre. An English translation of the project was published in 2001 in the United States under the Caption Comics label . In 2007 the comic book Rudi & Leo, produced together with comic author Martin Cordemann, was published about two cathedral ghosts who tell the story of Cologne in a cheerful way. The following year they both published the comic book Bruder Thadeus - Das Münchner Kindl , in which the history of Munich is processed in a similar way.

In addition to numerous other comic projects, which he created himself or as commissioned work for various companies, Paul deals with storyboards for film productions as well as character and production design . Through this he and his late brother invented the parlor game kicket .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Splashpages: Guido Paul passed away. In: www.splashcomics.de. Retrieved February 9, 2016 .